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Re: [Fwd: Re: [PING][PATCH][RFC] vterminate use of malloc-less demangler]

Honest, we already thought about the C API.  And we already discussed
it over here when it went in:

Ahh. I'd missed this.

FYI Simon this should have been posted to libstdc++ list. Please make a point of cc'ing the libstdc++ list on libstdc++ issues in the future.

I see Mark had the same qualms I have about this.


What I think might be a better interface would be to allow the caller to
provide "alloc" and "dealloc" functions (ala C++ allocators).  Then, the
standard __cxa_demangle function would pass "malloc" and "free" for
those parameters, while more sophisticated callers could pass functions
that allocate out of a static buffer.  Or, a variant of cxa_demangle
where we never try to "realloc" the buffer.

Never really answered directly.

Your answer instead seems to indicate that you think of the patch under consideration as only useful for, and the resulting patch certainly supports this by keeping the poorly-named __gcclibcxx_demangle_callback private. (If functions are supposed to be named after what they do, then what does this function do?)

So, I guess I see this patch as a hack, and a useful hack at that, but just for This is unfortunate. And the continued side-stepping around the C++ maintainers desire for a better general-purpose solution is also unfortunate, (as is ignoring repeatedly the suggestions of previous interfaces and interface options), but not a good enough reason to keep useful hacks out of gcc.

I don't think it's all that opaque, and I believe it's actually well
designed for the problem.

"All that opaque," huh? Aren't you already conceding the point here?

The specified problem area is incorrect, IMHO.

However, I don't have the time at the moment to dedicate to the effort of designing something better, and won't until after April 21 at the earliest, plus emailing Simon is exhausting. So, do what you will.



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