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Re: testing techniques for verifying includes in std:: namespace

- The "archetypes" part, which tests that an algorithm does not try to use any operations on its input types that aren't stated in the concept requirements. For example, this would detect a "for (; first < last; ++first)" error in an algorithm that is meant to take input iterators. This kind of checking is unnecessary in ConceptGCC, because the compiler itself will diagnose the error when the template is parsed.

- The "concept checks" part, which tests that the user has provided types that meet the minimum stated requirements of the algorithm. For example, this would detect an attempt to use adjacent_find on an input iterator. This kind of checking is unnecessary in ConceptGCC, because the compiler checks that the user-provided types meet the stated requirements of the algorithm before the algorithm is instantiated.

Thanks for the clarification.

I was thinking that eventually, there would be negative tests to verify
these two parts.


- The other "concept checks" part, which tests that the data structures provided by a library meet the requirements of its concepts. For example, this would check that vector<int> is actually a model of the Sequence concept. This kind of checking is unnecessary in ConceptGCC, because the library contains "concept maps" stating that vector<T> is a model of Sequence, and the compiler checks the correctness of concept maps when they are defined.

Unless there are other concept-related checks that I'm not thinking of, concept checking doesn't really have a place in a concept-enabled library. We've provided language features that do all of that checking for us, automatically, without the need for the techniques used in today's concept checkers. In ConceptGCC, I've just stripped out all of the existing concept-checking code.

Ooops. Yes, I noticed that you stripped out all the old-style concept checking code, which is a good thing IMHO as concept gcc has better techniques for this.


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