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Re: [Patch] libstdc++/29989

Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:

| Right, in principle it's possible, or *was* possible, we are talking
| about very old cruft.

I seem to remember this was done because some platforms defined min
and max as macros; I can't remember from the top of my head. They are
reserved names anyway, so we *can* #undef them with no harm, and I
see no pressure in removing the #undefs.

Likewise, I *did* not see any pressure, until people started wondering whether we should undef things everywhere, in <limits> too, for example. All in all, since we don't have *any* other undefs anywhere, I think it's far more consistent to take this small risk, early in Stage1. That said, if you feel strongly about that, then I have no problem with you reverting my patchlet and closing 29989 differently, simply as a duplicate, for example.


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