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Re: Recent 4.1 breakage...

>Frankly, that seems to me a QoI issue: seems very annoying that if 
>random processes using semaphores start failing for some reason, then 
>sempahore are not available anymore for the *whole* system...

Well, the test works the same way on a random version of Red Hat
thus glibc appers to work the same...

I think all tests using SysV IPC need to be stuctured so that
the main process starts N children to conduct the test.  The main
process is written so that abort is never called and it may
always cleanup the semaphore.  Appears to affect only a small set
of tests.


PS, I suppose this is moot when all tests actually pass.

PPS, >Anyway, remains to explain why 26777 is failing in the first place on 
>FreeBSD. Without hints I have no idea, sorry.

Agreed, I will work on that now that we know why I saw semaphore
usage failure. ;-)

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