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Re: [Patch] libstdc++/23425

On Nov 24, 2005, at 8:19 AM, Paolo Carlini wrote:

Paolo Carlini wrote:

Yes, _M_erase_at_end would be useful under assign, pop_back, erase,
and resize.  A good _M_erase_at_end will do more than simply run the
iterator through.  It will do the "segmented iterator" optimization
as  promoted by Dietmar for so many years.  That is, it will consist
of nested loops where the inner loop runs through a node (or partial
node) at a time with pointers.

FYI, I'm working on this. It looks like, we are already using the
optimization for deque::clear() and we are not for
deque::erase(iterator, iterator). It seems to me that we should just
take out the code in clear() which implements the double loop pattern
and call it from both. Which in fact would be _M_erase_at_end or
_M_erase_at_begin ;) ...

... and of course, going to loops over plain pointers, instead of
deque::iterators means that _Destroy will be optimized very, very well
by the compiler, similarly to what happens for vector! (especially so if
we overload it for random access iterators)


Thanks Paolo!


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