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Re: [Patch] libstdc++/23425

Howard Hinnant wrote:

> On the issue of inlining, and I'm speaking from an standpoint of 
> great ignorance here, it could well be that __erase_from is a 
> function that we want inlined if it is optimized (i.e. when the 
> destructor is trivial), and not inlined if it is not optimized.  We 
> can overload __erase_from on tr1::has_trivial_destructor<T>::value, 
> inlining for true and not for false.

By the way, I think I have just discovered something funny in
stl_construct.h, related to that issue.

In stl_construct.h we have different versions of _Destroy, depending on
the allocator (std::allocator or custom) and the type (trivial
destructor or not, indeed). The worst case it's something like the below
and since we don't have accurate type_traits we have to fall back to it
for most types, besides scalars:

  template<typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Allocator>
    _Destroy(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last,
             _Allocator __alloc)
      for (; __first != __last; ++__first)

Now, the funny thing is that this template is used only for std::deque
and std::vector, which both support random access iterators! If I
rewrite the loop exploiting that property, something like:

  template<typename _RandomIterator, typename _Allocator>
    _Destroy(_RandomIterator __first, _RandomIterator __last,
             _Allocator __alloc)
      typename iterator_traits<_RandomIterator>::difference_type __diff =
        __last - __first;

      for (; __diff > 0; --__diff, ++__first)

our current loop optimizer is able to optimize to nothing the loop for
most POD types, at least!

To good and easy to be true?


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