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Re: [patch] Preprocessorised tr1::tuple

On Feb 25, 2005, at 6:27 PM, Benjamin Kosnik wrote:
bind and result_of will also need this preprocessor magic.  I think
that's it for TR1...

I would rather use something like boost::spirit than write our own bit of magic for libstdc++.

Is this what you were implying?

I just realized how unclear my message was... my apologies.

As far as I know, the following components of TR1 require a nontrivial amount of code repetition that can be implemented with preprocessor metaprogramming, some kind of C++ code generator, or brute force:

	1) tuple
	2) reference_wrapper
	3) function
	4) mem_fn
	5) result_of
	6) bind
	7) (maybe) parts of type traits, but I think we can avoid it

I think pulling in something like the Boost.Preprocessor library would be overkill for this... a small preprocessor library like Chris has done or just enumerating the cases as I've done for function and mem_fn should be sufficient. The only parts of that list that we need to implement are reference_wrapper, result_of, and bind: the former two can use the same macros used by function and mem_fn but the latter might require something more sophisticated.

*Glances upward, sighs* Maybe some day variadic templates will save us from all this.


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