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Re: [v3 patch] Add std::tr1::shared_ptr

On Mon, Feb 21, 2005 at 05:03:38PM +0100, Paolo Carlini wrote:

> Jonathan Wakely wrote:
> >I expect there will be plenty of changes to come but this should
> >probably be committed now and improved later.
> >
> Probably. But it's the first time that we are seeing this code and, sorry,
> I find a little bit unpolite creating CVS dirs before any discussion... Or
> maybe a libstdc++-v3 maintainer approved that off-line?!?

No, it wasn't approved - I didn't realise I had created them.

I didn't think any changes would be done on the server end until I
committed, sorry ... that was a stupid mistake.

If I'd realised "cvs add foobar" for a directory created the dir on the
server end I wouldn't have done it (particularly as I don't know if the
directory names I used for the testsuite are OK.) I thought it would
be the same as "cvs add foobar" for a file, which only adds the file to
your CVS/Entries file but doesn't change the master repository.

Since there are no files in those directories yet someone can delete
them from the master repository without losing any history (since CVS
only tracks history for files, not dirs).  I'll re-add them once the
patch has been approved.

Very sorry for the screw up,


"If all these sweet young things were laid end to end,
 I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised."
	- Dorothy Parker on Co-Eds

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