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Re: [RFA] Algorithms vs operator* and operator==

chris jefferson wrote:

*But*, now I remember std::fill and std::fill_n: in order to avoid expensive
copies when _ValueType is "big", we should probably use temporary vars
(like __value) *only* when __is_scalar<_ValueType>::_M_type is true...

If we could tell if operator* is returning by value or by reference, would this problem go away? If it is returning by reference, then we simply take that reference and store it. If it returns by value, then if we want to take that value more than once, we may as well copy it into a variable, as surely a dereference and an assignment (possibly with return value optimisation) would be cheaper than 2 dereferences (which both return by value)?

Hi again Chris, and thanks for your interesting explanation of the meaning hidden in my "big"! ;)
Seriously, I like and agree with most of it, only I'm not sure whether it fully captures the complexity of such situations... For instance, perhaps we may want to copy-construct in a local variable (a register, actually) a "small" type returned by reference and used many times in the algorithm (actually, in fill and fill_n, the __is_scalar machinery is used exactly for that purpose: to understand whether we can really spare the load from memory, since the value fits in a register). Or, we may want to avoid copying a "big" type returned by value, in order to spare memory, when the benefit caused by saving the dereferencing time itself is relatively small...

Although at the moment I don't believe it's possible to get the return value of a function ¬_¬ , would it be stunningly hard to add as a g++ extension (and a useful one at that, people always seem to be asking for result_of)?

You mean, for instance, boost::function_traits<F>::result_type doesn't work for any arity... Yes, seems very difficult to achieve that without compiler support and could be useful!


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