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Re: Patch: stl_vector.h

Matt Austern wrote:

This is slightly ambiguous, but my interpretation of the standard (23.1.1/9) is
that this is required to work. We're selecting the constructor
template <class InputIterator> X(InputIterator f, InputIterator l, const Allocator& a = Allocator())
and the standard says it has the same effect as
X(static_cast<typename X::size_type>(f), static_cast<typename X::value_type>(l), a)

The latter constructor is well-formed. Static cast of 1 to dvector_t is well formed:
it's the same as dvector_t(1), which invokes the single-element constructor that
creates a length-1 vector of default-constructed elements.

I think Gaby agrees with that and in principle it's fine with me too, of course.

The reason there's any ambiguity at all is that the standard has a non-normative
note describing possible implementation techniques, and, using one of those
techniques, this example would fail to compile. I think the standard is clear and
that just means this note is wrong, but some people disagree. Finally: some
people think that, irrespective of what the standard currently says, this example
shouldn't compile. I think that in a future version of the standard it will be
explicitly illegal. Pointer to the committee discussion:

Thanks for the pointer, that I didn't know. I'm really worried by the fact that this
will be explicitly illegal, however: in a sense we are wasting some of our time, taking
care of this in the light of that... Anyway, if it's just a little amount of time... ;)

Obviously I missed something with the allocator work. Sounds like I'm still
missing it, though; I don't see an obvious reason why this dispatching
should have anything to do with allocators.

All the ""trouble"" comes from the pair of __uninitialized_fill_n_a overloads that
you added recently: the first one is for std::allocator and equivalent to the old
behavior, the second one is for an user provided allocator != std::allocator, and ends
up calling __alloc::construct with a mismatched pair of arguments...

Thanks for your feedback,

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