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Re: Simplifing tuples

Paolo Carlini wrote:

chris wrote:

I'm currently working my way through implementing this, writing a sizeable test suite, etc. I just wondered if anyone had any positive / negative comments on this kind of unfolding?

Something I'm wondering about is whether we can provide to the user a *simple* way to *set* (at library build time) the maximum number of elements in one tuple type, not just 10, as mandated by the standard, or an arbitrary number decided by the implementors: AFAICS this is not possible neither with boost reference implementation, neither with your proposal. Of course, it's something highly not trivial, preprocessor magic and/or sophisticated template metaprogramming techniques would be needed, but eventually the QoI would be much higher, IMHO...

Actually, with my current iml[ementation this owuld be possible, as I have a c++ program (although this could easily be converted to C) which generates the tuple header takes a parameter which defines the maximum size of tuple. I'm curerntly testing with this parameter set to 3 so it's easier to see whats going on and debug. I suspect it could be done with preprocessor and templateness, but it wouldn't be very pretty :) And like all processor magic it would still require some kind of hard-wired maximum.

I'm still torn on wether I should generate the header with C or with template metaprogramming. Having discussed it with a few people, the arguments fall into one of two categories:
1) Why write a C program to output the header when you could do it with templates?
2) Why write complex templates to generate the tuples when you could just write a simple C program to output the header?


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