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Re: PR libstdc++/17505: Update libmath stubs in linker-map.gnu

>Better would be to put all of these routines in a separate library
>such that the search path becomes
>	-lstdc++
>	-lm
>	-lm_compat
>where -lm_compat is our compatibility library.  In this way, the user
>gets to take advantage of C99 compatibility improvements in the host
>operating system.  It also insulates libstdc++ itself from having to
>become a compltete libc replacement.  It can also be reused by libgfortran,
>which basically has to do exactly the same thing.

I'm up for moving libstdc++/libmath to toplevel. However, this library
isn't intended to be an actual implementation, rather something that
frail and weak systems can use as a crutch to link real code: just

You seem to be suggesting a libiberty for math? Ouch. I stay away: as
you suggest, this is outside the bounds of the libstdc++ project.


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