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Re: [James W.McKelvey <>] Erroneous Comparisonsof Negative Characters

Thankg Gaby for the forward!

MC 0 std::memcmp is comparing as unsigned (I guess that's OK)
SC 0 Error: std::strcmp is comparing as unsigned
SN 0 Error: std::strncmp is comparing as unsigned
SL 0 Error: std::strcoll is comparing as unsigned

This /C standard conforming behavior/ (C99, 7.21.4, p1) seems at the heart of the problem.

Indeed, a pedantic interpretation of Table 37 appear to imply that the C functions, always defined in terms of /unsigned/ chars, cannot be used for implementing traits::compare. And, we cannot overlook this as a futile technicality (*), since, according to the current standard, traits::compare /must/ be used in implementing string::compare.

Shall we perhaps fall back to the slow generic implementation, following the letter of the standard? Personally, I'm not happy with this either, since string::compare would give results different from std::strcmp!

What do other people think?


(*) I know that nobody likes that much char_traits today... ;)

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