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Re: [v3] libstdc++ vs. icc 8.1

>Also what about putting in "workarounds" to compile 
>libstdc++ with XLC
>then as we should treat commercial compilers the same.

I'm not putting in workarounds. Read my ChangeLog: I put in fixups.
You'll note that the issues were small indeed.

If IBM puts in the work to fixup libstdc++ for XLC, I'm interested,
provided the patch is sane. However, I don't have access to that
compiler, or for that matter that platform. 

Both IBM and Intel have mentioned in passing that they had problems with
libstdc++ when they tried to compile it with their ABI-compatible linux
compilers. Since the goal, as far as I understand it, is to have a
common C++ ABI on linux,  I thought I'd try it myself and see what
happened. I found the results entertaining, educational, and completely
harmless to myself.

However, if you don't believe me, be forwarned that I know where you
live, and now I have

*cue zombie music*


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