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[RFC] Large file iostreams


This was discussed in July in the thread starting at:

It was agreed that streamoff needs to be a class type that
encapsulates a 64-bit integer and that this change needs to be made
before gcc 3.4 is released.

The best I can come up with is something like this:

// A signed integer type, at least 64-bits wide
typedef /* ... */ __streamoff_base_type;

class streamoff
  streamoff(__streamoff_base_type); // Implicit

  template<typename _StateT>
  explicit streamoff(const fpos<_StateT>&);

  operator __streamoff_base_type() const;

  streamoff& operator+=(__streamoff_base_type);
  streamoff& operator-=(__streamoff_base_type);

There are no non-member operators, expressions such as __off != 0 or
__off * __width (used in basic_filebuf::seekoff) use the conversion
to __streamoff_base_type. fpos is mostly unchanged except that
operator streamoff() is removed.

There are obvious problems with this implementation, in particular
the implicit conversions to and from __streamoff_base_type mean that
there is very little type safety. However, there is type safety
where it matters most: there are no implicit conversions from
fpos to integer types.

Does anybody know of a way to make the conversion to streamsize
explicit? Type safety would be much improved.

Should other operators be added? The implicit conversion provides
most arithmetic operators, but ++, --, *= and /= are missing (and
probably some more).

What should __streamoff_base_type be? Is long long "good enough"
or should it be platform specific?

Should fpos::fpos(streamoff) be explicit? It is a lossless
conversion and the conversion from int must be implicit so it
doesn't add much type safety.


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