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Re: [PATCH] fix singular iterator dereference in libstdc++ testcase 23_containers/

On Tuesday, June 10, 2003, at 08:15 AM, Stephen M. Webb wrote:

On June 9, 2003 06:21 pm, Doug Gregor wrote:
In the testcase 23_containers/, the function test01()
contains this block of code:

   list0101.pop_back();          // list should be [2 1]
   VERIFY(list0101.size() == 2);
   VERIFY(T::dtorCount() == 1);
   VERIFY(i->id() == 1);
   VERIFY(j->id() == 1); // INVALID
   VERIFY(k->id() == 1);
The standard pretty explicitly states (in [ (3)]) that pop_back()
invalidates only iterators and references to the erased elements, and j is an
iterator into list0101 that is not an iterator to the erased element. It
should not be invalidated, and I would expect it to continue to work
correctly in a conforming implementation, since there's nothing in the
standard that leads me to believe otherwise.

The comments that pertain to iterator invalidation by container operations only consider the "iterator" and "const_iterator" types for a container, and not the "reverse_iterator" or "const_reverse_iterator" types. Under this interpretation, the testcase is wrong, because it fails when the latter two types are std::reverse_iterator<iterator> and std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>, respectively. As you say below:

Note that j.base() will be invalidated by the pop_back() call, since it is an
iterator to the erased element.

j.base(), which is the same as j.current, is invalidated by the pop_back() call. Then when we are using std::reverse_iterator (as noted in 23.1.1/9, Table 66), the dereference operator invokes --j.current, which has undefined behavior.

The test case does not pass by coincidence and does not rely on the
persistence of a deallocated node. The "current" member of the
reverse_iterator in the case of a list is merely a collection of pointers,

The "current" member is of type _List_iterator<T, T&, T*>, and its only data comes from its base class, _List_iterator_base, which contains (only):

_List_node_base* _M_node;

And here's how we decrement a _List_iterator (includes dereferencing the pointer):

    { _M_node = _M_node->_M_prev; }

the important one of which points back to the actual node referenced by the
reverse_iterator. Regardless of the fact that the "current" member is
theoretically an invalid iterator, "--current" will continue to be a valid
reference into the list, and j will continue to be valid and dereferenceable,
and it just works.

--current will dereference _M_node, and that is an error. To convince yourself of this, clear out the _M_next/_M_prev fields just before _M_put node deallocates the node, so it looks like this:

    _M_put_node(_List_node<_Tp>* __p)
      std::cerr << "Deallocate node at " << __p << '\n';
      __p->_M_next = 0;
      __p->_M_prev = 0;
      _Alloc_type::deallocate(__p, 1);

Here's what I get, with a little extra debugging information added in. It includes all deference/deallocate/decrement operations on list iterators, starting from the push_back:

Decrement node at 0x321ae0
Deallocate node at 0x321b10     // #1
Dereference node at 0x321af0
Decrement node at 0x321b10  // #2
Dereference node at 0 // #3

At #1 is a deallocation, and then we try to decrement that same node at #2, that dereferences a pointer already passed to the allocator's deallocate() method. And at #3 I get a bus error, because of the pointer-zeroing code.

The testcase is incorrect, and with more tracking information we can see that the behavior under libstdc++ is also undefined.


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