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Re: [RFC] libstdc++/8347

B. Kosnik wrote:

That's a good question....... right now I'd lean towards removing the
_S_construct bits. Thoughts?

Hi Benjamin,

thanks for your feedback.
I think that most probably we can keep the best of both worlds: still raise an exception if a zero pointer is passed to a constructor as in:

const char* bogus = 0;
std::string str1(bogus);

but allow for a *couple* of zero pointers identifying a null range as in:

std::vector<char> empty;
std::string empty2(empty.begin(),empty.end());

consistently with:

std::string empty;
std::string empty2(empty.begin(),empty.end());

and the behaviour of *all* the other implementations I have access to.

Patch in progress!!!


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