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Re: gcc-3.2 libstdc++ patches

On Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 11:50:41PM -0700, Benjamin Kosnik wrote:
> > Thanks Benjamin.
> > Therefore, shall I move them to the renamed 3_1-branch right after the
> > release of 3.1.1?
> I think Jakub will do it for us.

Yes, I'll add it to the patchset (but it would be probably better if
gcc-3_2-branch could be created now, the difference between now and
3.1.1 release can be easily merged there any time).

> The so bump to 5 on 2002-07-01 also needs to go in.

That's already been there, as well as
I'll add the remaining 5 patches, please let me know
if any further are needed.


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