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Re: valarray<double>::operator%() not working

Lance Olav Eastgate wrote:

>When I try to use the binary operator% or operator%= with valarray<double>
>this doesn't work (in gcc 3.0.2). The reason, as far as I understand, is
>that operator% is only defined for integers. The element-by-element
>modulus in _DEFINE_ARRAY_FUNCTION (in valarray_array.h, line 419, gcc
>3.0.2) thus doesn't work when _Tp is a double. Thus for two doubles or
>floats, std::fmod (or similar) needs to be used.
>Perhaps the operator% etc could be overloaded to take two doubles?
Hi. I know all of this seems obvious to you, but could you possibly post 
a short self-contained testcase demonstrating the problem?


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