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[v3 patch] documentation update

Very minor and boring.  Applied to the trunk.

2001-02-15  Phil Edwards  <>

	* docs/html/configopts.html:  Minor updates and typo fixes.
	* docs/html/faq/index.html:  Updates of the "not really bugs" list.
	* docs/html/faq/index.txt:  Regenerated.

Index: docs/html/configopts.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/libstdc++-v3/docs/html/configopts.html,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -3 -p -r1.6 configopts.html
--- configopts.html	2001/02/07 00:03:20	1.6
+++ configopts.html	2001/02/15 22:19:37
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ options</A></H1>
         I/O package (from
         <A HREF="">glibc</A>, the
         GNU C library), or 'stdio' to use a generic &quot;C&quot;
-	abstraction.  The default is 'stdio'.
+        abstraction.  The default is 'stdio'.
  <DT><TT>--enable-clocale  </TT>
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ options</A></H1>
         HREF="">glibc</A>, the GNU C
         library), or 'generic' to use a generic &quot;C&quot;
         abstraction which consists of &quot;C&quot; locale info.
-	The default is 'generic'.
+        The default is 'generic'.
  <DT><TT>--enable-long-long  </TT>
@@ -98,10 +98,9 @@ options</A></H1>
  <DT><TT>--enable-cheaders=OPTION  </TT>
  <DD><P>This allows the user to define what kind of C headers are
-	used.  Options are: c, c_std, and c_shadow. These correspond
-	to the source directory's include/c, include/c_std, and
-	include/c_shadow directories.
- 	The default is c_std.
+        used.  Options are: c, c_std, and c_shadow. These correspond
+        to the source directory's include/c, include/c_std, and
+        include/c_shadow directories.  The default is c_std.
  <DT><TT>--enable-threads  </TT>
@@ -151,25 +150,24 @@ options</A></H1>
         flags to the compiler to use when building libstdc++.  FLAGS
         is a quoted string of options, like
-  --enable-cxx-flags='-fsquangle -fvtable-gc -ansi'</PRE>
+  --enable-cxx-flags='-fvtable-gc -fomit-frame-pointer -ansi'</PRE>
         Note that the flags don't necessarily have to all be -f flags,
         as shown, but usually those are the ones that will make sense
         for experimentation and configure-time overriding.
      <P>The advantage of --enable-cxx-flags over setting CXXFLAGS in
-        the 'make' environment is that, if libgcc is automatically
+        the 'make' environment is that, if files are automatically
         rebuilt, the same flags will be used when compiling those files
         as well, so that everything matches.
      <P>Fun flags to try might include combinations of
-  -fnew-abi
-  -fnew-exceptions
+  -fno-exceptions
-        and -fno- forms of the same.  Tell us (the mailing list) if
-        you discover more!
+        and opposite forms (-fno-) of the same.  Tell us (the mailing
+        list) if you discover more!
  <DT><TT>--enable-c-mbchar  </TT>[default]
@@ -178,7 +176,7 @@ options</A></H1>
         changing rapidly, and can cause problems on new platforms.
         Disabling wide character specializations is useful for initial
         porting steps, but builds only a subset of what is required by
-        ISO. Default is on, but the <TT>--enable-c_stdio=stdio </TT>
+        ISO.  Default is on, but the <TT>--enable-cstdio=stdio </TT>
         option currently turns it off.
Index: docs/html/faq/index.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/libstdc++-v3/docs/html/faq/index.html,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -3 -p -r1.2 index.html
--- index.html	2001/01/23 17:02:27	1.2
+++ index.html	2001/02/15 22:19:37
@@ -62,8 +62,14 @@
          <LI><A HREF="#4_2">Bugs in gcc/g++ (not libstdc++-v3)</A>
          <LI><A HREF="#4_3">Bugs in the C++ language/lib specification</A>
          <LI><A HREF="#4_4">Things in libstdc++ that look like bugs</A>
-         <BR><A HREF="#4_4_interface">The g++-3 headers are
-                                      <STRONG>not ours</STRONG></A>
+	   <UL>
+             <LI><A HREF="#4_4_Weff">-Weffc++ complains too much</A>
+             <LI><A HREF="#4_4_rel_ops">&quot;ambiguous overloads&quot;
+	                         after including an old-style header</A>
+             <LI><A HREF="#4_4_interface">The g++-3 headers are
+                                 <STRONG>not ours</STRONG></A>
+             <LI><A HREF="#4_4_glibc">compilation errors from streambuf.h</A>
+	   </UL>
          <LI><A HREF="#4_5">Aw, that's easy to fix!</A>
@@ -489,44 +495,66 @@ to the list</A>, Nathan Myers announced 
    <H2><A NAME="4_4">4.4 Things in libstdc++ that look like bugs</A></H2>
       <P>There are things which are not bugs in the compiler (4.2) nor
          the language specification (4.3), but aren't really bugs in
-         libstdc++, either.  Really!
+         libstdc++, either.  Really!  Please do not report these as bugs.
-      <P>The biggest of these is the quadzillions of warnings about the
-         library headers emitted when <TT>-Weffc++</TT> is used.  Making
-         libstdc++ &quot;-Weffc++-clean&quot; is not a goal of the project,
-         for a few reasons.  Mainly, that option tries to enforce
-         object-oriented programming, while the Standard Library isn't
-         necessarily trying to be OO.  There are multiple solutions
-         under discussion.
-      </P>
-      <P>Another is the <TT>rel_ops</TT> namespace and the template
-         comparison operator functions contained therein.  If they become
-	 visible in the same namespace as other comparison functions
-	 (e.g., '<TT>using</TT>' them and the &lt;iterator&gt; header),
-	 then you will suddenly be faced with huge numbers of ambiguity
-	 errors.  This was discussed on the -v3 list; Nathan Myers
-	 <A HREF="">sums
-	 things up here</A>.
-      </P>
-      <H3><A NAME="4_4_interface">The g++-3 headers are
-                                      <EM>not ours</EM></A></H3>
-      <P>If you have found an extremely broken header file which is
-         causing problems for you, look carefully before submitting a
-         &quot;high&quot; priority bug report (which you probably shouldn't
-         do anyhow; see the last paragraph of the page describing
+      <A NAME="4_4_Weff">
+        <P>The biggest of these is the quadzillions of warnings about the
+           library headers emitted when <TT>-Weffc++</TT> is used.  Making
+           libstdc++ &quot;-Weffc++-clean&quot; is not a goal of the project,
+           for a few reasons.  Mainly, that option tries to enforce
+           object-oriented programming, while the Standard Library isn't
+           necessarily trying to be OO.  There are multiple solutions
+           under discussion.
+        </P>
+      </A>
+      <A NAME="4_4_rel_ops">
+        <P>Another is the <TT>rel_ops</TT> namespace and the template
+           comparison operator functions contained therein.  If they become
+  	   visible in the same namespace as other comparison functions
+  	   (e.g., '<TT>using</TT>' them and the &lt;iterator&gt; header),
+  	   then you will suddenly be faced with huge numbers of ambiguity
+  	   errors.  This was discussed on the -v3 list; Nathan Myers
+  	   <A HREF="">sums
+  	   things up here</A>.
+        </P>
+      </A>
+      <A NAME="4_4_interface"><H3>The g++-3 headers are
+                                      <EM>not ours</EM></H3>
+        <P>If you have found an extremely broken header file which is
+           causing problems for you, look carefully before submitting a
+           &quot;high&quot; priority bug report (which you probably shouldn't
+           do anyhow; see the last paragraph of the page describing
          <A HREF="">the GCC bug database</A>).
-      </P>
-      <P>If the headers are in <CODE>${prefix}/include/g++-3</CODE>, then
-         you are using the old libstdc++-v2 library, which is nonstandard
-         and unmaintained.  Do not report problems with -v2 to the -v3
-         mailing list.
-      </P>
-      <P>Currently our header files are installed in
-         <CODE>${prefix}/include/g++-v3</CODE> (see the 'v'?).  This may
-         change with the next release of GCC, as it may be too confusing,
-         but <A HREF="">the
-         question has not yet been decided</A>.
-      </P>
+        </P>
+        <P>If the headers are in <CODE>${prefix}/include/g++-3</CODE>, then
+           you are using the old libstdc++-v2 library, which is nonstandard
+           and unmaintained.  Do not report problems with -v2 to the -v3
+           mailing list.
+        </P>
+        <P>Currently our header files are installed in
+           <CODE>${prefix}/include/g++-v3</CODE> (see the 'v'?).  This may
+           change with the next release of GCC, as it may be too confusing,
+           but <A HREF="">the
+           question has not yet been decided</A>.
+        </P>
+      </A>
+      <A NAME="4_4_glibc">
+        <P>If you're on a GNU/Linux system and have just upgraded to
+	   glibc 2.2, but are still using gcc 2.95.2, then you should have
+	   read the glibc FAQ, specifically 2.34:
+   <PRE>
+2.34.   When compiling C++ programs, I get a compilation error in streambuf.h.
+{BH} You are using g++ 2.95.2? After upgrading to glibc 2.2, you need to
+apply a patch to the include files in /usr/include/g++, because the fpos_t
+type has changed in glibc 2.2.  The patch is at
+   </PRE>
+	   Note that 2.95.x shipped with the
+	   <A HREF="#4_4_interface">old v2 library</A> which is no longer
+	   maintained.
+        </P>
+      </A>
    <H2><A NAME="4_5">4.5 Aw, that's easy to fix!</A></H2>
@@ -534,8 +562,8 @@ to the list</A>, Nathan Myers announced 
          a working fix, then send it in!  The main GCC site has a page
          on <A HREF="">submitting
          patches</A> that covers the procedure, but for libstdc++ you
-         should of course send the patch to our mailing list, not the
-         GCC mailing list.  The libstdc++
+         should also send the patch to our mailing list in addition to
+	 the GCC patches mailing list.  The libstdc++
          <A HREF="../17_intro/contribute.html">contributors' page</A>
          also talks about how to submit patches.

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