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Re: Some shadow fixes.

On Thu, 18 May 2000, Nathan Myers wrote:
> I agree this is a compiler bug.  However, I think the sequence
>   using std::abs;
>   using std::abs;
> is not legal C++; hence my suggested #ifdefs.  

  At namespace scope I think it should be okay:  7.3.3/8

"8 A using-declaration is a declaration and can therefore be used repeatedly
where (and only where) multiple declarations are allowed. [Example:

namespace A {
	int i;
namespace A1 {
	using A::i;
	using A::i; // OK: double declaration
void f()
	using A::i;
	using A::i; // error: double declaration

class B {
	int i;
class X : public B {
	using B::i;
	using B::i; // error: double member declaration
 end example]"

and in 7.3.3/9

"9 The entity declared by a using-declaration shall be known in the context
using it according to its definition at the point of the using-declaration.
Definitions added to the namespace after the using-declaration are not
considered when a use of the name is made. [Example:

namespace A {
	void f(int);
using A::f; // f is a synonym for A::f;
	// that is, for A::f(int).

namespace A {
	void f(char);

void foo()
	f( a ); 	//calls f(int),
} 		//even though f(char) exists.
thus without the another using declaration, it wont work.
Steven King

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