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re: (patch) Workaround for gcc's float complex bug.

Mumit, all your changes should be in now, including the acinclude.m4
bit I missed earlier. I guess the only things left are:


2) getting the cygwin DLL to run mknumeric_limits: Chris, I've cc'd you
in the hopes that you will work with Mumit to get Vadim's patch in--I
talked to you about this briefly a couple of weeks ago when you were
in Sunnyvale.

In the meantime, the FAQ entry will be a nice addition.

And yes, I hate macros, don't want them in the source, want a clean
fix, bow to the west everyday at sunset in hopes of getting a fixed
compiler that works with complex, but in the meantime, these patches
should go in. Complex has been broken for awhile now. (see the v-3
homepage for status notes, anyway this will be useful for platforms
like alpha, so this bit of autoconf hackery is pretty useful) When
it's working well, these hacks can get taken out without either Mumit
or I so much as raising a finger in protest.


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