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Re: CNI and interface methods

Stephen Kell wrote:

> I'm using CNI for the first time and have hit a query. What exactly is 
> and isn't supposed to work when invoking interface methods through 
> *object* references (from C++, so I mean pointers), and passing these 
> references around?
> The CNI chapter in the gcj manual says a lot about interface references, 
> but not about the case of using object references where that object's 
> class implements one or more interfaces. One thing that would appear to 
> be worth mentioning is that clearly, passing them to methods wanting an 
> interface reference won't compile without some sort of cast, since the 
> gcjh-generated headers don't encode the subtyping relationship between 
> interfaces and their implementing classes. I'm guessing a simple static 
> cast isn't the right thing to do though, because I'm getting segfaults 
> when I try.

Right.  To put it simply, we have never got around to implementing Java
interface calls in CNI.  It wouldn't be enormously difficult, but it
needs some way to tell the C++ compiler about interface calls.  We could
have implemented Java interfaces via C++ multiple inheritance but we
didn't, so we would need to invent some sort of notation to express the
idea of an interface to the C++ compiler.

> Specifically, I'm CNI-calling from C++ to Java code which, in turn, 
> makes a call through an interface reference that I previously passed in 
> to the Java object's constructor (i.e. I passed in an *object* 
> reference, again from the C++ code, which required a cast as I just 
> described). I get a segfault during the calling sequence of the 
> interface call made by the Java code. The fault occurs just before the 
> call to _Jv_LookupInterfaceMethodIdx.
> (This is all on a fresh build of vanilla gcc 4.3.3, on i686 Linux, by 
> the way.)
> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> [Switching to Thread 0xb7f5e8f0 (LWP 26704)]
> 0x080828ad in cakeJavaParser.toplevel()cakeJavaParser$toplevel_return () 
> at
> 145             retval.start = input.LT(1);
> Current language:  auto; currently java
> (gdb) bt
> #0  0x080828ad in 
> cakeJavaParser.toplevel()cakeJavaParser$toplevel_return ()
>     at
> #1  0x0805a4e2 in cake::request::process (this=@bffd0c18) at cake.cpp:33
> #2  0x0805a7da in main (argc=2, argv=@bffd0cd4) at main.cpp:52
> (Possibly significant: in earlier test runs, with a previous build of my 
> code, I was getting the segfault *during* the call to 
> _Jv_LookupInterfaceMethodIdx, with iface->ioffsets being null when it 
> probably shouldn't. I can't reproduce that now for some reason.)
> The extent of my CNI code is
> 	JvCreateJavaVM(NULL);
> 	JvAttachCurrentThread(NULL, NULL);
> 	JvInitClass(&java::lang::System::class$);
> and shortly afterwards
> 	org::antlr::runtime::ANTLRInputStream *stream = new org::antlr::runtime::ANTLRInputStream(in_file);
> 	cakeJavaLexer *lexer = new cakeJavaLexer((org::antlr::runtime::CharStream*) stream);
>     org::antlr::runtime::CommonTokenStream *tokenStream = new org::antlr::runtime::CommonTokenStream((org::antlr::runtime::TokenSource*) lexer);
>     cakeJavaParser *parser = new cakeJavaParser((org::antlr::runtime::TokenStream*) tokenStream);
>     parser->toplevel();
> where the last statement triggers the segfault. The toplevel() method is 
> Java code; it immediately calls a method on lexer (the object I passed 
> earlier) and it's this call whose dispatch fails.
> Should this code work?  I thought about class initialization, but having 
> read the docs, it wouldn't appear that I need to add any JvInitClass 
> calls manually in this case. 
> There's a tarball at 
> <> 
> which should be sufficient to reproduce the above (just do 'make test'), 
> unless I've forgotten to include something. Let me know if there's any 
> more details that would be useful.
> Thanks for reading! Any answers or ideas appreciated,

It's because you're using -Bsymbolic but not -fpic.  -Bsymbolic is dangerous,
and any use of it without PIC means instant death.  So, compile everything
PIC, even the executable, and you'll be fine.  That worked for me on your


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