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Re: GCC 4.1: Buildable on GHz machines only?

>>>>> "Ranjit" == Ranjit Mathew <> writes:

Ranjit> Note that libgcj already supports an "--enable-libgcj-multifile"
Ranjit> configuration option that coarsely attempts to do the above.
Ranjit> See:

--enable-libgcj-multifile controls how .class files are built; if
used they are all built in a single gcj invocation, otherwise they
are built one at a time.

We could allow different amounts of aggregation other than 0% or
100%; that might help some builds.

But what Per is talking about is how .o files are built.  This change
would probably not be very difficult fwiw; we already have done this
in a place or two where we've needed BC ABI support.


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