gcj and XGraphicsConfiguration bugs

Anthony Green green@redhat.com
Sun Jul 20 01:30:00 GMT 2003

ecj emits the following error when compiling XGraphicsConfiguration....

1. ERROR in ../../../gcc/libjava/gnu/awt/xlib/XGraphicsConfiguration.java (at line 46)
	static FontMetricsCache fontMetricsCache = new FontMetricsCache ();
No enclosing instance of type XGraphicsConfiguration is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type XGraphicsConfiguration (e.g. x.new A() where x is an instance of XGraphicsConfiguration).
make: *** [gnu/awt/xlib/XGraphicsConfiguration.class] Error 255

This looks like a reasonable error.  FontMetricsCache is an inner 
class and I suppose you shouldn't be able to allocate one like

The work-around I used for building libgcj with ecj was
to replace "new FontMetricsCache ()" with "null".  Obviously we need a 
proper fix (to both libgcj and gcj).

I don't know this code well enough to suggest a solution.


Anthony Green <green@redhat.com>
Red Hat, Inc.

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