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Re: [RFT/RFC] Fix PosixProcess / PR libgcj 11801...

David Daney wrote:

Oh, another thing - our test suite coverage for java.lang.Process is non-existent currently, as far as I can tell. Presumably you wrote some test code while developing this, so if you'd like to turn it into a mauve test, that would be fantastic (and ensure that it doesn't get broken again at some later time).

The tests mostly consist of using 'ps' and visually verifying that there
are not any zombies hanging around. Although there are some things
that can be tested without external process monitoring programs. Most
tests require external executables also.

I was just thinking of testing the basics - creating a process, writing data to it, reading back, waiting on it, checking parameter passing, checking exit value, killing it, etc. Possibly repeated with multiple threads. The processes to be run could just be standard POSIX commands. This really doesn't have to be too sophisticated, any test is better than no test!

automatically hecking for zombies or leaked FDs etc is probably a bit more effort than its worth, and best left to manual inspection.



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