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Re: FileDescriptor suggestion [Was: FYI: Patch: java nio file locking]

Mohan Embar wrote:

I like the spirit of this, but the problem I have with the substance is that,
as Michael pointed out, FileDescriptor is also used for the classes
and java.nio socket classes.

If you look at the API for FileChannel, there are a lot of methods (lock, map,
tryLock, position, size) which have no relevance to socket-based file
descriptors, which leads me to believe that FileDescriptor shouldn't be
considered a superset of FileChannel and that the inverse makes more
sense. And throwing in a PlatformFileDescriptor into the mix would make
things perfect, er, um, better.

That's a good point. Perhaps the 'channel' field of a FieldDescriptor should be a java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractInterruptibleChannel or just a Channel. However, that doesn't have the 'force' needed for 'sync'.

How about this:

class FileDescriptor
  Channel channel;
  public void sync () throws ...
    if (channel instanceof FileChannel)
      ((FileChannel) channel).force(true);
  public boolean valid () { return channel.isOpen(); }

I personally think that RawData is the proper type for Windows

I agree.

I consider the use of ints for file descriptors on POSIX-based platforms to
be an anachronism from which we should try to mentally free ourselves.

This I'm not convinced of.

(Of course, Windows has these too for its POSIX-lookalike API functions,
and I don't even want to think about what kinds of funky mapping they're
doing under the covers to make this work.)

An array? -- --Per Bothner

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