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Re: [PATCH] [MinGW] for Review: Add UNICODE support to MinGW libgcj (UPDATED)

Hi Mohan,

On Nov 24, 2003, at 5:25 AM, Mohan Embar wrote:

This patch supersedes this:

...and attempts to address the outcry from those who didn't
want the UNICOWS licensing restrictions on Win9X. It adds
a configure switch for the compiler called --enable-libgcj-mingw-osapi
which can take one of three values:

ansi: Use the char and the Win32 A functions natively, translating
  to and from UNICODE when using these functions.

unicows: Use the WCHAR and Win32 W functions natively. Adds -lunicows
  to libgcj.spec to link with libunicows. unicows.dll needs to be
  deployed on Win9X machines running built executables.

unicode: Use the WCHAR and Win32 W functions natively. Does not add
  -lunicows to libgcj.spec. The built executables will only run
  on WinNT and above.

Which is the default? Am I right in assuming that this gives the choice between:

ansi: libgcj that works everywhere, but is somewhat inefficient because it converts all strings twice
unicows: libgcj that works everywhere but requires third party libunicows to be available, and unicows.dll at runtime on win9x
unicode: fast libgcj that needs no extra library but only runs on >= Win NT

I'm presuming its just not really possible to just determine at runtime which (ansi or unicode) should be used, right?

Please be sure to document this in gcj.texi.



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