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Re: [PATCH] java.nio.channels

Michael> Hmm, I tried it here in a clean tree. All compiled fine. What
Michael> errors do you get ?

Sorry, I should have sent that the first time.

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/tromey/gnu/trunk-gcc/build/i686-pc-linux-gnu/libjava'
/home/tromey/gnu/trunk-gcc/build/gcc/gcj -B/home/tromey/gnu/trunk-gcc/build/i686-pc-linux-gnu/libjava/ -B/home/tromey/gnu/trunk-gcc/build/gcc/ --encoding=UTF-8 -C -g -classpath '' -bootclasspath /home/tromey/gnu/trunk-gcc/build/i686-pc-linux-gnu/libjava:../../../gcc/libjava \
             -d /home/tromey/gnu/trunk-gcc/build/i686-pc-linux-gnu/libjava ../../../gcc/libjava/gnu/java/nio/charset/
../../../gcc/libjava/gnu/java/nio/charset/ In class `$Encoder':
../../../gcc/libjava/gnu/java/nio/charset/ In method `$Encoder.encodeLoop(java.nio.CharBuffer,java.nio.ByteBuffer)':
../../../gcc/libjava/gnu/java/nio/charset/ error: Can't find method `put(B)' in type `java.nio.ByteBuffer'.
           out.put ((byte) c);
../../../gcc/libjava/gnu/java/nio/charset/ In class `$Decoder':
../../../gcc/libjava/gnu/java/nio/charset/ In method `$Decoder.decodeLoop(java.nio.ByteBuffer,java.nio.CharBuffer)':
../../../gcc/libjava/gnu/java/nio/charset/ error: Can't find method `get()' in type `java.nio.ByteBuffer'.
           byte b = in.get ();
2 errors

Sure enough, ByteBuffer has nothing in it.
Copying it over yields errors about other *Buffer classes.
I didn't want to pursue it any further...


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