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Re: -fuse-divide-subroutine

Tom Tromey wrote:

> Bryce> Hmm, no it doesn't. I think the problem is that the "See if gcj
> Bryce> supports -fuse-divide-subroutine" test in configure is failing,
> Bryce> which sets DIVIDESPEC to be blank.
> I looked at this a bit more.
> It fails because gcj is trying to read ObjectInputStream (it seems
> weird that this tiny test program requires that to be read in, but I'm
> not going to question it for now)

It seems to be because ClassNotFoundException is importing
ObjectInputStream. This looks  odd to me, as if someone accidentally
pasted some code in there.

> and ObjectInputStream rlies on
> gnu.classpath.Configuration -- which isn't built until configure is
> finished.

Getting rid of the ObjectInputStream dependency should fix it for now at
least, but the problem may come back when is used more
extensively. One fix would be to put a dummy into the
source tree which the checks can use, then make sure that is built first so that the real build doesn't
accidentally pick up the dummy version.


  [ bryce ]

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