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Re: Two suggestions for gcc C compiler to extend C language (by WD Smith)

On 29 July 2016 at 20:01, Warren D Smith wrote:
>> Given a pointer to an array of nibbles and a length, how do I iterate
>> through the array?
> for(i=0; i<bitsizeof(a); i++){ s += a[i]; }
> --correction, that was for an array of packed bools. For nybbles,
> bitsizeof(a)/4.  There are various games one can play, and quibbles one
> can make, all of which should have been so blitheringly obvious it
> should not have ever been necessary to have this discussion at all.

Maybe you should stop and discuss it somewhere else then.

> Similarly, when some twerp complained
> x=mul(a,b)
> would be unacceptable because "mul" was too likely to be a name
> already used by somebody...  seriously? You're really unable to figure
> out how to deal with that
> without me telling you?
> It just boggles my mind that this stuff comes back at me for hours and hours.

Funny, I was thinking the same thing.

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