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Re: Help! Regarding bug 49973

On 03/02/16 21:01, Prasad Ghangal wrote:
Hi !
I am new to gcc. I would like to solve bug (Bug 49973 - Column
numbers count special characters as multiple columns ). Can somebody
guide me?

I tried to debug gcc under gdb. I think I have to change code in c-parser.c

I think this should be fixed in libcpp, probably in lex.c, but maybe other places also. A good testcase to start with would be:

/* Ã /* */
/* a /* */

cc1 -Wcomment warning: "/*" within comment [-Wcomment]
 /* Ã /* */
       ^ warning: "/*" within comment [-Wcomment]
 /* a /* */

Both locations should point to column 6. Look for places where column info is converted to source_location (linemap_position_for_column or linemap_position_for_line_and_colum). Figure out where the column info got the wrong value. Use something like wcwidth() to measure the width of non-ASCII characters and get the right width of 'Ã'.

Unfortunately, GCC 6 seems to be broken for the above testcase ( Revision 229665 seems fine.



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