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GCC 5.1.1 Status Report (2015-06-22)


I plan to release GCC 5.2.0 around July 10th which means a release
candidate being done around July 3rd.

Please check your open regression bugs for ones that eligible for
backporting.  Also please help getting the P1 bug count to zero
(there is still the ARM aligned argument passing ABI issue).

Quality Data

Priority          #   Change from last report
--------        ---   -----------------------
P1                2    +   2
P2               71    -   3 
P3               44    +  27
P4		 82    -   1
P5		 32    -   2
--------        ---   -----------------------
Total P1-P3     117    +  26
Total		231    +  23

Previous Report

The next report will be sent by me when announing a first GCC 5.2.0
release candidate.

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