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Potential builtin memcpy bug in 4.9

I am trying to track down a bug that I only see on Fedora 21 with the
GCC 4.9.2 compiler building x86_64 code. It might have started happening
earlier. GCC 4.8 built without this problem.

I am building the c-ares library as part of a larger project and getting
malloc failures. Valgrind claims that code is writing outside its
allocated blocks. I traced it to the memcpy call

    memcpy(query->tcpbuf + 2, qbuf, qlen);

In that call qlen == 35. I checked the malloc and it allocates 37 bytes
for tcpbuf. And it has worked on older compilers for a long time.

As best I can tell the builtin memcpy that is being used here (and it is
definitely the builtin because turning off builtins builds working code)
is writing way past the end of the buffer.

But for whatever reason I can't seem to build a stand-alone example.

Looking for some ideas. Maybe someone could audit the ASM code for the
memcpy builtin, see if anything jumps out at you. I haven't tried that
yet. Is it all one piece, or is it multiple chunks? Could it have bad
ASM specifications which are allowing the optimizer to write into a
register that should be preserve?

Here's the asm for the function along with some commentary:

00000000001b1a57 <ares_send>:
  1b1a57:    41 57                    push   %r15
  1b1a59:    41 56                    push   %r14
  1b1a5b:    41 55                    push   %r13
  1b1a5d:    41 54                    push   %r12
  1b1a5f:    55                       push   %rbp
  1b1a60:    53                       push   %rbx
  1b1a61:    48 83 ec 28              sub    $0x28,%rsp
  1b1a65:    89 d5                    mov    %edx,%ebp
  1b1a67:    49 89 ce                 mov    %rcx,%r14
  1b1a6a:    4d 89 c5                 mov    %r8,%r13
  1b1a6d:    8d 42 f4                 lea    -0xc(%rdx),%eax
  1b1a70:    3d f3 ff 00 00           cmp    $0xfff3,%eax
  1b1a75:    76 21                    jbe    1b1a98 <ares_send+0x41>
  1b1a77:    45 31 c0                 xor    %r8d,%r8d
  1b1a7a:    31 c9                    xor    %ecx,%ecx
  1b1a7c:    31 d2                    xor    %edx,%edx
  1b1a7e:    be 07 00 00 00           mov    $0x7,%esi
  1b1a83:    4c 89 ef                 mov    %r13,%rdi
  1b1a86:    41 ff d6                 callq  *%r14
  1b1a89:    48 83 c4 28              add    $0x28,%rsp
  1b1a8d:    5b                       pop    %rbx
  1b1a8e:    5d                       pop    %rbp
  1b1a8f:    41 5c                    pop    %r12
  1b1a91:    41 5d                    pop    %r13
  1b1a93:    41 5e                    pop    %r14
  1b1a95:    41 5f                    pop    %r15
  1b1a97:    c3                       retq  
  1b1a98:    49 89 fc                 mov    %rdi,%r12
  1b1a9b:    49 89 f7                 mov    %rsi,%r15
  1b1a9e:    bf c8 00 00 00           mov    $0xc8,%edi
  1b1aa3:    e8 78 f4 ea ff           callq  60f20 <malloc@plt>
  1b1aa8:    48 89 c3                 mov    %rax,%rbx
  1b1aab:    48 85 c0                 test   %rax,%rax
  1b1aae:    0f 84 a0 02 00 00        je     1b1d54 <ares_send+0x2fd>
  1b1ab4:    8d 45 02                 lea    0x2(%rbp),%eax
  1b1ab7:    89 44 24 0c              mov    %eax,0xc(%rsp)
  1b1abb:    48 63 f8                 movslq %eax,%rdi
  1b1abe:    e8 5d f4 ea ff           callq  60f20 <malloc@plt>
  1b1ac3:    48 89 43 78              mov    %rax,0x78(%rbx)
  1b1ac7:    48 85 c0                 test   %rax,%rax
  1b1aca:    0f 84 7c 02 00 00        je     1b1d4c <ares_send+0x2f5>
  1b1ad0:    48 89 04 24              mov    %rax,(%rsp)
  1b1ad4:    49 63 bc 24 98 00 00     movslq 0x98(%r12),%rdi
  1b1adb:    00
  1b1adc:    89 7c 24 08              mov    %edi,0x8(%rsp)
  1b1ae0:    48 c1 e7 03              shl    $0x3,%rdi
  1b1ae4:    e8 37 f4 ea ff           callq  60f20 <malloc@plt>
  1b1ae9:    48 89 c7                 mov    %rax,%rdi
  1b1aec:    48 89 83 b0 00 00 00     mov    %rax,0xb0(%rbx)
  1b1af3:    48 85 c0                 test   %rax,%rax
  1b1af6:    8b 4c 24 08              mov    0x8(%rsp),%ecx
  1b1afa:    48 8b 14 24              mov    (%rsp),%rdx
  1b1afe:    0f 84 40 02 00 00        je     1b1d44 <ares_send+0x2ed>
  1b1b04:    41 0f b6 07              movzbl (%r15),%eax
  1b1b08:    c1 e0 08                 shl    $0x8,%eax
  1b1b0b:    45 0f b6 47 01           movzbl 0x1(%r15),%r8d
  1b1b10:    44 09 c0                 or     %r8d,%eax
  1b1b13:    66 89 03                 mov    %ax,(%rbx)
  1b1b16:    48 c7 43 08 00 00 00     movq   $0x0,0x8(%rbx)
  1b1b1d:    00
  1b1b1e:    48 c7 43 10 00 00 00     movq   $0x0,0x10(%rbx)
  1b1b25:    00
  1b1b26:    89 e8                    mov    %ebp,%eax
  1b1b28:    c1 f8 08                 sar    $0x8,%eax
  1b1b2b:    88 02                    mov    %al,(%rdx)
  1b1b2d:    40 88 6a 01              mov    %bpl,0x1(%rdx)

*** HERE IS WHERE IT STARTS: Getting query->tcpbuf + 2 ***
*** ebp has the length value 35 ***
*** memcpy(query->tcpbuf + 2, qbuf, qlen); ***

  1b1b31:    4c 8d 4a 02              lea    0x2(%rdx),%r9
  1b1b35:    89 e8                    mov    %ebp,%eax
  1b1b37:    4d 89 c8                 mov    %r9,%r8
  1b1b3a:    4c 89 fe                 mov    %r15,%rsi
  1b1b3d:    83 fd 20                 cmp    $0x20,%ebp
  1b1b40:    0f 83 96 01 00 00        jae    1b1cdc <ares_send+0x285>

*** That jae took the jump down to 1b1cdc ***

  1b1b46:    83 e0 1f                 and    $0x1f,%eax
  1b1b49:    74 15                    je     1b1b60 <ares_send+0x109>
  1b1b4b:    31 d2                    xor    %edx,%edx
  1b1b4d:    41 89 d2                 mov    %edx,%r10d
  1b1b50:    46 0f b6 1c 16           movzbl (%rsi,%r10,1),%r11d
  1b1b55:    47 88 1c 10              mov    %r11b,(%r8,%r10,1)
  1b1b59:    83 c2 01                 add    $0x1,%edx
  1b1b5c:    39 c2                    cmp    %eax,%edx
  1b1b5e:    72 ed                    jb     1b1b4d <ares_send+0xf6>
  1b1b60:    8b 44 24 0c              mov    0xc(%rsp),%eax
  1b1b64:    89 83 80 00 00 00        mov    %eax,0x80(%rbx)
  1b1b6a:    4c 89 8b 88 00 00 00     mov    %r9,0x88(%rbx)
  1b1b71:    89 ab 90 00 00 00        mov    %ebp,0x90(%rbx)
  1b1b77:    4c 89 b3 98 00 00 00     mov    %r14,0x98(%rbx)
  1b1b7e:    4c 89 ab a0 00 00 00     mov    %r13,0xa0(%rbx)
  1b1b85:    c7 83 a8 00 00 00 00     movl   $0x0,0xa8(%rbx)
  1b1b8c:    00 00 00
  1b1b8f:    41 8b 84 24 b0 01 00     mov    0x1b0(%r12),%eax
  1b1b96:    00
  1b1b97:    89 83 ac 00 00 00        mov    %eax,0xac(%rbx)
  1b1b9d:    41 83 7c 24 10 01        cmpl   $0x1,0x10(%r12)
  1b1ba3:    0f 84 cc 01 00 00        je     1b1d75 <ares_send+0x31e>
  1b1ba9:    85 c9                    test   %ecx,%ecx
  1b1bab:    7e 64                    jle    1b1c11 <ares_send+0x1ba>
  1b1bad:    8d 51 fe                 lea    -0x2(%rcx),%edx
  1b1bb0:    d1 ea                    shr    %edx
  1b1bb2:    83 c2 01                 add    $0x1,%edx
  1b1bb5:    8d 04 12                 lea    (%rdx,%rdx,1),%eax
  1b1bb8:    8d 71 ff                 lea    -0x1(%rcx),%esi
  1b1bbb:    83 fe 01                 cmp    $0x1,%esi
  1b1bbe:    0f 86 db 01 00 00        jbe    1b1d9f <ares_send+0x348>
  1b1bc4:    31 f6                    xor    %esi,%esi
  1b1bc6:    66 0f ef c0              pxor   %xmm0,%xmm0
  1b1bca:    49 89 f0                 mov    %rsi,%r8
  1b1bcd:    49 c1 e0 04              shl    $0x4,%r8
  1b1bd1:    f3 42 0f 7f 04 07        movdqu %xmm0,(%rdi,%r8,1)
  1b1bd7:    48 83 c6 01              add    $0x1,%rsi
  1b1bdb:    39 f2                    cmp    %esi,%edx
  1b1bdd:    77 eb                    ja     1b1bca <ares_send+0x173>
  1b1bdf:    39 c8                    cmp    %ecx,%eax
  1b1be1:    74 2e                    je     1b1c11 <ares_send+0x1ba>
  1b1be3:    48 63 d0                 movslq %eax,%rdx
  1b1be6:    48 8d 14 d7              lea    (%rdi,%rdx,8),%rdx
  1b1bea:    c7 02 00 00 00 00        movl   $0x0,(%rdx)
  1b1bf0:    c7 42 04 00 00 00 00     movl   $0x0,0x4(%rdx)
  1b1bf7:    83 c0 01                 add    $0x1,%eax
  1b1bfa:    39 c1                    cmp    %eax,%ecx
  1b1bfc:    7e 13                    jle    1b1c11 <ares_send+0x1ba>
  1b1bfe:    48 98                    cltq  
  1b1c00:    48 8d 04 c7              lea    (%rdi,%rax,8),%rax
  1b1c04:    c7 00 00 00 00 00        movl   $0x0,(%rax)
  1b1c0a:    c7 40 04 00 00 00 00     movl   $0x0,0x4(%rax)
  1b1c11:    41 8b 04 24              mov    (%r12),%eax
  1b1c15:    f6 c4 01                 test   $0x1,%ah
  1b1c18:    0f 85 6a 01 00 00        jne    1b1d88 <ares_send+0x331>
  1b1c1e:    ba 00 02 00 00           mov    $0x200,%edx
  1b1c23:    a8 01                    test   $0x1,%al
  1b1c25:    0f 85 6a 01 00 00        jne    1b1d95 <ares_send+0x33e>
  1b1c2b:    31 c0                    xor    %eax,%eax
  1b1c2d:    39 ea                    cmp    %ebp,%edx
  1b1c2f:    0f 9c c0                 setl   %al
  1b1c32:    89 83 b8 00 00 00        mov    %eax,0xb8(%rbx)
  1b1c38:    c7 83 bc 00 00 00 0b     movl   $0xb,0xbc(%rbx)
  1b1c3f:    00 00 00
  1b1c42:    c7 83 c0 00 00 00 00     movl   $0x0,0xc0(%rbx)
  1b1c49:    00 00 00
  1b1c4c:    48 8d 6b 18              lea    0x18(%rbx),%rbp
  1b1c50:    48 89 de                 mov    %rbx,%rsi
  1b1c53:    48 89 ef                 mov    %rbp,%rdi
  1b1c56:    e8 b9 ca ff ff           callq  1ae714 <ares__init_list_node>
  1b1c5b:    48 8d 7b 30              lea    0x30(%rbx),%rdi
  1b1c5f:    48 89 de                 mov    %rbx,%rsi
  1b1c62:    e8 ad ca ff ff           callq  1ae714 <ares__init_list_node>
  1b1c67:    48 8d 7b 48              lea    0x48(%rbx),%rdi
  1b1c6b:    48 89 de                 mov    %rbx,%rsi
  1b1c6e:    e8 a1 ca ff ff           callq  1ae714 <ares__init_list_node>
  1b1c73:    4c 8d 6b 60              lea    0x60(%rbx),%r13
  1b1c77:    48 89 de                 mov    %rbx,%rsi
  1b1c7a:    4c 89 ef                 mov    %r13,%rdi
  1b1c7d:    e8 92 ca ff ff           callq  1ae714 <ares__init_list_node>
  1b1c82:    49 8d b4 24 b8 01 00     lea    0x1b8(%r12),%rsi
  1b1c89:    00
  1b1c8a:    4c 89 ef                 mov    %r13,%rdi
  1b1c8d:    e8 ac ca ff ff           callq  1ae73e <ares__insert_in_list>
  1b1c92:    0f b7 03                 movzwl (%rbx),%eax
  1b1c95:    25 ff 07 00 00           and    $0x7ff,%eax
  1b1c9a:    48 8d 04 40              lea    (%rax,%rax,2),%rax
  1b1c9e:    49 8d b4 c4 d0 01 00     lea    0x1d0(%r12,%rax,8),%rsi
  1b1ca5:    00
  1b1ca6:    48 89 ef                 mov    %rbp,%rdi
  1b1ca9:    e8 90 ca ff ff           callq  1ae73e <ares__insert_in_list>
  1b1cae:    e8 78 0e 00 00           callq  1b2b2b <ares__tvnow>
  1b1cb3:    48 89 44 24 10           mov    %rax,0x10(%rsp)
  1b1cb8:    48 89 54 24 18           mov    %rdx,0x18(%rsp)
  1b1cbd:    48 8d 54 24 10           lea    0x10(%rsp),%rdx
  1b1cc2:    48 89 de                 mov    %rbx,%rsi
  1b1cc5:    4c 89 e7                 mov    %r12,%rdi
  1b1cc8:    e8 c1 de ff ff           callq  1afb8e <ares__send_query>
  1b1ccd:    48 83 c4 28              add    $0x28,%rsp
  1b1cd1:    5b                       pop    %rbx
  1b1cd2:    5d                       pop    %rbp
  1b1cd3:    41 5c                    pop    %r12
  1b1cd5:    41 5d                    pop    %r13
  1b1cd7:    41 5e                    pop    %r14
  1b1cd9:    41 5f                    pop    %r15
  1b1cdb:    c3                       retq  

*** Jumped here from the jae at 1b1b40 ***
*** I assume this tests the destination alignment ***

  1b1cdc:    41 f6 c1 02              test   $0x2,%r9b
  1b1ce0:    0f 85 d5 00 00 00        jne    1b1dbb <ares_send+0x364>

*** It takes the above jump to 1b1dbb ***
*** Code at 1b1dbb jumps back to here ***

  1b1ce6:    41 f6 c0 04              test   $0x4,%r8b
  1b1cea:    0f 85 b6 00 00 00        jne    1b1da6 <ares_send+0x34f>

*** It takes the above jump ***
*** Jumped here from 1b1db6 ***

  1b1cf0:    89 c2                    mov    %eax,%edx
  1b1cf2:    83 e2 e0                 and    $0xffffffe0,%edx

*** Here is where I think it goes wrong actually. edx was 0x1d.
    The and makes edx == 0
    The loop following though copies 32 or 0x20 bytes. That is more than
0x1d. ***

  1b1cf5:    89 54 24 08              mov    %edx,0x8(%rsp)
  1b1cf9:    45 31 d2                 xor    %r10d,%r10d
  1b1cfc:    89 04 24                 mov    %eax,(%rsp)
  1b1cff:    44 89 d2                 mov    %r10d,%edx
  1b1d02:    4c 8b 7c 16 08           mov    0x8(%rsi,%rdx,1),%r15
  1b1d07:    4c 8b 5c 16 10           mov    0x10(%rsi,%rdx,1),%r11
  1b1d0c:    48 8b 44 16 18           mov    0x18(%rsi,%rdx,1),%rax
  1b1d11:    49 89 44 10 18           mov    %rax,0x18(%r8,%rdx,1)
  1b1d16:    48 8b 04 16              mov    (%rsi,%rdx,1),%rax
  1b1d1a:    49 89 04 10              mov    %rax,(%r8,%rdx,1)
  1b1d1e:    4d 89 7c 10 08           mov    %r15,0x8(%r8,%rdx,1)
  1b1d23:    4d 89 5c 10 10           mov    %r11,0x10(%r8,%rdx,1)
  1b1d28:    41 83 c2 20              add    $0x20,%r10d
  1b1d2c:    44 3b 54 24 08           cmp    0x8(%rsp),%r10d
  1b1d31:    72 cc                    jb     1b1cff <ares_send+0x2a8>
  1b1d33:    8b 04 24                 mov    (%rsp),%eax
  1b1d36:    44 89 d2                 mov    %r10d,%edx
  1b1d39:    49 01 d0                 add    %rdx,%r8
  1b1d3c:    48 01 d6                 add    %rdx,%rsi
  1b1d3f:    e9 02 fe ff ff           jmpq   1b1b46 <ares_send+0xef>
  1b1d44:    48 89 d7                 mov    %rdx,%rdi
  1b1d47:    e8 24 f0 ea ff           callq  60d70 <free@plt>
  1b1d4c:    48 89 df                 mov    %rbx,%rdi
  1b1d4f:    e8 1c f0 ea ff           callq  60d70 <free@plt>
  1b1d54:    45 31 c0                 xor    %r8d,%r8d
  1b1d57:    31 c9                    xor    %ecx,%ecx
  1b1d59:    31 d2                    xor    %edx,%edx
  1b1d5b:    be 0f 00 00 00           mov    $0xf,%esi
  1b1d60:    4c 89 ef                 mov    %r13,%rdi
  1b1d63:    41 ff d6                 callq  *%r14
  1b1d66:    48 83 c4 28              add    $0x28,%rsp
  1b1d6a:    5b                       pop    %rbx
  1b1d6b:    5d                       pop    %rbp
  1b1d6c:    41 5c                    pop    %r12
  1b1d6e:    41 5d                    pop    %r13
  1b1d70:    41 5e                    pop    %r14
  1b1d72:    41 5f                    pop    %r15
  1b1d74:    c3                       retq  
  1b1d75:    83 c0 01                 add    $0x1,%eax
  1b1d78:    99                       cltd  
  1b1d79:    f7 f9                    idiv   %ecx
  1b1d7b:    41 89 94 24 b0 01 00     mov    %edx,0x1b0(%r12)
  1b1d82:    00
  1b1d83:    e9 21 fe ff ff           jmpq   1b1ba9 <ares_send+0x152>
  1b1d88:    41 8b 54 24 50           mov    0x50(%r12),%edx
  1b1d8d:    a8 01                    test   $0x1,%al
  1b1d8f:    0f 84 96 fe ff ff        je     1b1c2b <ares_send+0x1d4>
  1b1d95:    b8 01 00 00 00           mov    $0x1,%eax
  1b1d9a:    e9 93 fe ff ff           jmpq   1b1c32 <ares_send+0x1db>
  1b1d9f:    31 c0                    xor    %eax,%eax
  1b1da1:    e9 3d fe ff ff           jmpq   1b1be3 <ares_send+0x18c>

*** Jumped here from 1b1cea ***

  1b1da6:    8b 16                    mov    (%rsi),%edx
  1b1da8:    41 89 10                 mov    %edx,(%r8)
  1b1dab:    49 83 c0 04              add    $0x4,%r8
  1b1daf:    48 83 c6 04              add    $0x4,%rsi
  1b1db3:    83 e8 04                 sub    $0x4,%eax
  1b1db6:    e9 35 ff ff ff           jmpq   1b1cf0 <ares_send+0x299>

*** Jumped here from 1b1ce0 ***

  1b1dbb:    41 0f b7 07              movzwl (%r15),%eax
  1b1dbf:    66 89 42 02              mov    %ax,0x2(%rdx)
  1b1dc3:    4c 8d 42 04              lea    0x4(%rdx),%r8
  1b1dc7:    48 83 c6 02              add    $0x2,%rsi
  1b1dcb:    8d 45 fe                 lea    -0x2(%rbp),%eax
  1b1dce:    e9 13 ff ff ff           jmpq   1b1ce6 <ares_send+0x28f>

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