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Re: How to identify the type of the object being created using the new operator?

On Monday 06 October 2014 02:28 PM, Marc Glisse wrote:
On Mon, 6 Oct 2014, Swati Rathi wrote:

Statement : A *a = new B;

gets translated in GIMPLE as
1. void * D.2805;
2. struct A * a;
3. D.2805 = operator new (20);
4. a = D.2805;

A is the base class and B is the derived class.
In statement 3, new operator is creating an object of derived class B.
By analyzing the RHS of the assignment statement 3, how can we identify the type (in this case B) of the object being created?

I strongly doubt you can. It is calling B's constructor that will turn this memory region into a B, operator new is the same as malloc, it only returns raw memory.

(If A and B don't have the same size, the argument 20 can be a hint)

Argument 20 is the size of class B.
This was obtained only if we knew that object B is created here.
Is this information not stored anywhere else?

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