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Re: [PATCH] RE: gcc parallel make check

On Fri, Sep 05, 2014 at 02:48:01PM +0000, VandeVondele  Joost wrote:
> > Please sort the letters (LC_ALL=C sort) and where consecutive, use ranges.
> > Thus \[0-9A-Zhjqvx-z\]* or so.  What is - doing in your list?  _-9 is quite
> > unexpected range.  
> the '-' is a bug indeed. I added this to the list of allowed starting characters, but this clearly this is not a good idea. Thanks, removed.
> > Also, please tweak the script so that it will do the
> > sorting and ranges handling for you.
> The current order is the number of files that start with this letter, which is somewhat informative, but let me see if I can have ranges easily (in awk...).

BTW, number of tests might help as initial guess on how to split things, but
might be severely off.
What I'd recommend after you split with your script that you perform a
make -j1 check and diff the Test run by and runtest completed
times in each of the */*.log.sep files and see what time each job takes,
then perhaps reshuffle stuff a little bit until it is roughly even. 
Some letters could start more dg-do run tests while others more dg-do
compile once, some tests take a short time to compile, some very long, etc.


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