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The P language

Hello guys!
I've an idea of new frontend for GCC.
An Objective-D# language! But say "Objective-D Sharp" is quite long, so
I call it the P language (shouldn't be confused with the P language of
Amaya) because of the BCPL : we have the B and the C, so now that's the P.
The language should be just like Objective-C++, but :
-The two languages would be compatibler (for inherit Objective-C classes
from C++ classes and vice-versa, use C++ objects in Objective-C classes
and vice-versa, declare C++ namespaces in Objective-C declarations,
declare Objective-C declarations in C++ namespaces, use C++ class
features in Objective-C classes and vice-versa, uses C++ classes in
Objective-C classes and vice-versa, etc., etc., etc.)
-The C++ would be replaced by its successor D.
-The C# features would be available (and compatible with Objective-C and
D, as I defined in the first point). The .NET framework would be
replaced by .GNU.

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