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Re: GCC internal re-architecture proposal

On 06/21/2013 12:16 PM, Joseph S. Myers wrote:
A few observations:

* You don't mention anything about separating host-side and target-side
configuration, which are also entangled.  A slightly out-of-date list of
target macros used in target-side code is at
<> and a clean back-end
class would involve eliminating those (so libgcc only includes libgcc_tm.h
and not the host-side tm.h at all).  (Various of the other things listed
on that page were finished by Rainer, but not the target macros.)
yeah, I didn't go into any configuration stuff... I don't understand it well enough (and avoid it like the plague :-) so that will require some outside assistance :-)

Thats something that can be flushed out better in the future for sure.

* I don't see the advantages of separating out the host information into a
different API.  Any particular compiler binary can only meaningfully run
on one host, whereas in principle it should be possible to have multiple
instances of a target class in one process so separating out the target
interface does make sense.
That has been brought up, and It may not be worth any effort at all. I added it more for completeness and consideration for getting that information "all in one place". It may well come to nothing.

* It's not clear to me what's supposed to be different about the
target_info class compared to the existing target structure.  We "just"

There may not be any difference. The term target_info was just taken out of my hat. It may well be that we just extend the existing structure. It just need to be flushed out fully and completed. Im not terribly familiar with those bits, so i didn't give it much detail :-)
need to convert several hundred more target macros into hooks; that's the
major work rather than any change from a global object to C++ classes or
similar.  (The transitional conversion whereby targhooks.c contains a hook
definition that uses a target macro is, to my mind, of very limited value
as an end-point; such conversions need finishing by eliminating all direct
users of the macro, then converting all back ends to define the hook
directly, then poisoning the macro and allowing and documenting only the
I think that sounds like a most reasonable way to proceed.

Target macros used in front ends are indeed a good priority for converting
to hooks.  See previous discussions (and in some cases old patches by
Joern) of how to convert some particular cases, e.g. INT_TYPE_SIZE or
SIZE_TYPE (roughly, it seems to make sense to have hooks covering groups
of related macros rather than one hook per macro in all cases).
indeed, thats exactly the sort of low-hanging simplifications I was thinking about, and I'm sure there will be others

* Quite a lot of target interfaces would be used by the front ends
specifically for defining macros for building target libraries only; see
the "probably predefine macros if -fbuilding-libgcc in most cases" list on
that wiki page.  (Thus, given a clean separation of target-side and
host-side configuration, c-cppbuiltin.c is inevitably going to use a lot
of target macros / hooks.)
If thats where most of it lies, maybe there is some way to "push" some of that activity into the backend?... I'll investigate c-cppbuiltin.c at some point when I get some time. "Heavy" consumers like that would show up after the initial conversion stages and we can consider how to improve it.

* Various cases of front-end folding are to get better warnings, e.g. to
detect that in a signed-to-unsigned conversion the converted value is in
fact never negative.  I don't see this issue mentioned in the document.
But maybe the GIMPLE generated by the front end should contain some form
of note "give this warning if that condition is satisfied" and then the
warnings would get given after some GIMPLE optimizations.

Indeed, a previous incarnation of the document took that idea to further extremes, but that also sounds highly reasonable. The gimple fodler may be able to issue those sorts of warnings as it "optimizes" by folding. I'll add something back in about that.

* Option handling uses a single OPT_* enumeration with options from all
parts of the compiler; for a full clean separation, you can no longer just
have one array of all the options generated when GCC is built, and each
bit of the compiler would need to see just a subset of the options.

Good observation, I'll add something about that too.



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