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Re: GCC optimization report

On 7/17/2012 7:23 AM, Richard Guenther wrote:
On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 12:43 PM,<> wrote:
Hi all,
I would like to know if GCC provides an option to get a detailed report on the optimization actually performed by the compiler. For example with the Intel C compiler it is possible using the -opt-report. I don't want to look at the assembly file and figure out the optimization.
There is only -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=N currently and the various dump-files
the individual passes produce (-fdump-tree-all[-subflags]

-ftree-vectorizer-verbose is analogous to the icc -vec-report option (included in -opt-report).
Among the questions not answered by -opt-report are those associated with application (or not) of -complex-limited-range (gcc -fcx-limited-range).
-opt-report3 I believe turns on reporting of software prefetch application, which is important but difficult to follow.
It's nearly impossible to compare icc and gcc optimization other than by examining assembly and using a profiler which shows paths taken.

Tim Prince

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