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Troubleshooting with gcc 4.6

Hi everyone,

I recently updated my Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.10 and since then I have been having problems with my compiler. I have seen that this new Ubuntu distribution uses gcc 4.6 whilest my old 10.10 used gcc 4.4.5 or 4.4.6.

The main problem I have nowadays is with the math.h library when I need to use functions as sqrt() or pow() that I used to use without any problem in the old distribution (well, I had to write the -lm option when I tried to compile my source files but it did run perfectly). Today I'm getting and unresolve refernce to 'sqrt' when I comile my files even though I'm using the -lm option.

Can anyone help me?


Santi Sabaté

NOTE: I'm using the Netbeans 7.0.1 IDE

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