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Re: Why not contribute? (to GCC)

On Fri, 23 Apr 2010, Manuel López-Ibáñez wrote:

This seems to be the question running around the blogosphere for
several projects. And I would like to ask all people that read this
list but hardly say or do anything.

What reasons keep you from contributing to GCC?

Not sure we should spam this list even more with such non-technical discussions, but since you are asking:

legal reasons. The default disclaimer is nonsense, it is hard to find an employer willing to sign a sensible disclaimer, and even when you have a nice employer it can still take months (years?) to get things through the FSF.

Note that I am not proposing any change. Assignment to the FSF has drawbacks, but it also has some advantages. And if things are slow there, I am sure they wouldn't mind extra money to hire more people.

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