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Re: [Ada] Anyone else run ACATS on ARM?

On Mon, 2009-08-17 at 12:00 +0200, Mikael Pettersson wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Aug 2009 23:08:00 +0200, Matthias Klose <> wrote:
> >On 12.08.2009 23:07, Martin Guy wrote:
> >> On 8/12/09, Joel Sherrill<>  wrote:
> >>>   So any ACATS results from any other ARM target would be
> >>>   appreciated.
> >>
> >> I looked into gnat-arm for the new Debian port and the conclusion was
> >> that it has never been bootstrapped onto ARM. The closest I have seen
> >> is Adacore's GNATPro x86->xscale cross-compiler hosted on Windows and
> >> targetting Nucleus OS (gak!)
> >>
> >> The community feeling was that it would "just go" given a prodigal
> >> burst of cross-compiling, but I never got achieved sufficiently high
> >> blood pressure to try it...
> >
> >is there any arm-linx-gnueabi gnat binary that could be used to bootstrap an 
> >initial gnat-4.4 package for debian?
>  > 
>  >    Matthias
> Yes, see <>.

Nice work!

Looks like Ada exception propagation (setjmp/longjmp based) is broken at
least in some cases (see below), that might explain the high number of
ACATS failure.

My understanding is that


is not correct for sjlj exceptions so I removed this line from the patch
and I'm currently testing with trunk.


guerby@gcc50:~/tmp$ ./hello2
hello Ada

raised PROGRAM_ERROR : hello2.adb:5 explicit raise
guerby@gcc50:~/tmp$ cat hello2.adb
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Hello2 is
   Put_Line ("hello Ada");
   raise Program_Error;
   Put_Line ("error");
   when others =>
      Put_Line ("OK");
end Hello2;

guerby@gcc50:~/tmp$ objdump -S hello2.o
objdump -S hello2.o

hello2.o:     file format elf32-littlearm

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <_ada_hello2>:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Hello2 is
   0:	e92d4ff0 	push	{r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, fp, lr}
   4:	e28db020 	add	fp, sp, #32	; 0x20
   8:	e24dd034 	sub	sp, sp, #52	; 0x34
   Put_Line ("hello Ada");
   c:	ebfffffe 	bl	0 <system__soft_links__get_jmpbuf_address_soft>
  10:	e1a03000 	mov	r3, r0
  14:	e50b302c 	str	r3, [fp, #-44]
  18:	e24b3044 	sub	r3, fp, #68	; 0x44
  1c:	e24b2024 	sub	r2, fp, #36	; 0x24
  20:	e5832000 	str	r2, [r3]
  24:	e59f20bc 	ldr	r2, [pc, #188]	; e8 <_ada_hello2+0xe8>
  28:	e5832004 	str	r2, [r3, #4]
  2c:	e583d008 	str	sp, [r3, #8]
  30:	e3a03000 	mov	r3, #0	; 0x0
  34:	ea000001 	b	40 <_ada_hello2+0x40>
  38:	e28bb024 	add	fp, fp, #36	; 0x24
  3c:	e3a03001 	mov	r3, #1	; 0x1
  40:	e20330ff 	and	r3, r3, #255	; 0xff
  44:	e3530000 	cmp	r3, #0	; 0x0
  48:	0a000018 	beq	b0 <_ada_hello2+0xb0>
  4c:	e51b002c 	ldr	r0, [fp, #-44]
  50:	ebfffffe 	bl	0 <system__soft_links__set_jmpbuf_address_soft>
  54:	ebfffffe 	bl	0 <system__soft_links__get_gnat_exception>
  58:	e1a03000 	mov	r3, r0
  5c:	e50b3028 	str	r3, [fp, #-40]
   raise Program_Error;
   Put_Line ("error");
   when others =>
  60:	e51b3028 	ldr	r3, [fp, #-40]
  64:	e5d33000 	ldrb	r3, [r3]
  68:	e2233001 	eor	r3, r3, #1	; 0x1
  6c:	e20330ff 	and	r3, r3, #255	; 0xff
  70:	e3530000 	cmp	r3, #0	; 0x0
  74:	0a00000b 	beq	a8 <_ada_hello2+0xa8>
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Hello2 is
   Put_Line ("hello Ada");
  78:	e59f306c 	ldr	r3, [pc, #108]	; ec <_ada_hello2+0xec>
  7c:	e5933000 	ldr	r3, [r3]
  80:	e12fff33 	blx	r3
   raise Program_Error;
   Put_Line ("error");
   when others =>
      Put_Line ("OK");
  84:	e59f3064 	ldr	r3, [pc, #100]	; f0 <_ada_hello2+0xf0>
  88:	e50b3054 	str	r3, [fp, #-84]
  8c:	e59f3060 	ldr	r3, [pc, #96]	; f4 <_ada_hello2+0xf4>
  90:	e50b3050 	str	r3, [fp, #-80]
  94:	e14b05d4 	ldrd	r0, [fp, #-84]
  98:	ebfffffe 	bl	0 <ada__text_io__put_line__2>
end Hello2;
  9c:	e51b002c 	ldr	r0, [fp, #-44]
  a0:	ebfffffe 	bl	0 <system__soft_links__set_jmpbuf_address_soft>
  a4:	ea00000d 	b	e0 <_ada_hello2+0xe0>
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Hello2 is
   Put_Line ("hello Ada");
  a8:	e51b0028 	ldr	r0, [fp, #-40]
  ac:	ebfffffe 	bl	0 <__gnat_raise_nodefer_with_msg>
  b0:	e24b3044 	sub	r3, fp, #68	; 0x44
  b4:	e1a00003 	mov	r0, r3
  b8:	ebfffffe 	bl	0 <system__soft_links__set_jmpbuf_address_soft>
  bc:	e59f3034 	ldr	r3, [pc, #52]	; f8 <_ada_hello2+0xf8>
  c0:	e50b304c 	str	r3, [fp, #-76]
  c4:	e59f2030 	ldr	r2, [pc, #48]	; fc <_ada_hello2+0xfc>
  c8:	e50b2048 	str	r2, [fp, #-72]
  cc:	e14b04dc 	ldrd	r0, [fp, #-76]
  d0:	ebfffffe 	bl	0 <ada__text_io__put_line__2>
   raise Program_Error;
  d4:	e59f0024 	ldr	r0, [pc, #36]	; 100 <_ada_hello2+0x100>
  d8:	e3a01005 	mov	r1, #5	; 0x5
  dc:	ebfffffe 	bl	0 <__gnat_rcheck_19>
   Put_Line ("error");
   when others =>
      Put_Line ("OK");
end Hello2;
  e0:	e24bd020 	sub	sp, fp, #32	; 0x20
  e4:	e8bd8ff0 	pop	{r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, fp, pc}
  e8:	00000038 	.word	0x00000038
  f4:	00000024 	.word	0x00000024
  f8:	00000008 	.word	0x00000008
  fc:	0000002c 	.word	0x0000002c
 100:	00000018 	.word	0x00000018

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