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Re: The future of concepts

James Dennett wrote:
On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 3:01 AM, Piotr Wyderski<> wrote:
Concepts have recently been removed from the C++0x Standard Draft.
Will the concepts branch be discontinued?

I hope not. Concepts will be "finished" and re-added to C++, and it would be immensely helpful in that effort if there were a version of g++ with stronger Concepts support than ConceptGCC had.

-- James

We need a gcc branch for concepts. One of the major complaints on concepts and one of the major contributors to its being dropped is that there is no implementation experience. There was no implementation of sufficient quality and availability to give compiler developers confidence and point to wrinkles in the definition and users time to learn and play. It will take a good couple of years to get one working.

That leaves open the question of whether the ConceptGCC branch is the one. I just don't know. Maybe someone should start over. I think aim for simplicity. That was another issue I think: (Stroustrup)


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