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C integrated RPC

 Hello, my name is Andrey Babanin.

I am working on the remote procedure call system integrated into C
language. System called CRPC,
it consists of C wrapper compiler and shared library. Wrapper compiler
works with GCC.

New RPC system helps you develop socket based applications. With the
system you should
only use two new function modificator (__remote, __local) and one new
__attribute__ construction.
System works with data addressed by pointers, also there will be POSIX
Threads support.

The main feature of the system is that, only function prototypes
should be declared with
appropriate modificator and then the call of the function will result
in network interconnection.

What do you think about integrating such functionality into GCC?

The project's web site is: crpc at sf dot net
System can be compiled on FreeBSD and Linux, new version will be released soon.

 With best regards, Andrey Babanin.

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