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Re: Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: [PATCH]: bump minimum MPFR version, (includes some fortranbits)

Markus Milleder wrote:
I don't think anybody who tries to build GCC from source will have any
problem building MPFR first.
Not entirely true:

Those of us who use cygwin and want to use the latest GCC have to first compile a non MPFR GCC (e.g. 4.1.x) before they can compile the latest GPFR and link GCC to it.

This is not a big deal if you know that you have to do that, but if you don't know why the MPFR fails and wich snapshot you have to use as an immediate step it can be very frustrating.

I would welcome a configuration option that disables all the MPFR related things. That would make compiling GCC on a naked cygwin installation *much* easier.

Cheers, Nils Pipenbrinck

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