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RE: configuring in-tree gmp/mpfr with "none"?

Andrew, Can you explain more why?

Why I'm asking again now:

I have found another "problem" because of this (besides the
 reduced ability to share config.cache files).

This exacerbates what looks like a minor bug in gmp's configure.

Sometimes, depending on build/host/target, gmp's configure
sets M4=m4-not-needed.

Setting the processor to "none" is a good way to get it down the "not needed" path.
Though there might be other ways there, granted.

And then gmp/configure runs flex.
And then sometimes?always flex tries to run getenv("M4") || "m4".

Flex fails, sometimes creating lex.yy.c, sometimes not.
I haven't tracked down this "sometimes".
When I run build under Python, no lex.yy.c, outside of Python, ok.
I still have to dig in further to find out why.
When lex.yy.c is not created, configure fails. It is looking for what file is the output.

gmp/configure probably should not be setting M4, at least not when it runs flex.

But gcc using processor=none doesn't help.

I'll follow up with gmp folks.

 - Jay

> Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 06:53:35 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: configuring in-tree gmp/mpfr with "none"?
> CC:
> On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 12:40 AM, Jay  wrote:
>> Ah, I didn't realize any C or C++ code could be configured for other than a
>> specific processor but I guess that makes sense -- it is Makefile, config.h,
>> and such that are being modified, not the .o files, and they might be the
>> same across many configurations, like if the compiler command lines and
>> #defines can be the same, like if there is no need to know the size of a
>> pointer or the endianness, etc.. I guess more code should work this way if
>> possible. Thanks Andrew.
> Well gmp/mpfr are special in that they try to do the same thing as
> -mcpu=native with their configure script and they have some assembly
> files.
> Thanks,
> Andrew Pinski

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