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Re: [lto] Streaming out language-specific DECL/TYPEs

On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 5:41 PM, Kenneth Zadeck <> wrote:
> Michael Matz wrote:
> Note that michael's patch exposes some sleeping dragons for lto.  Namely, if
> the debug information is generated early for these issues, then there will
> have to be code in lto which "copies" this information into the lto
> generated .o file.   I say "copies" because i do not know how smart this
> copying is going to have to be.   Hopefully it can be done without the need
> for any fe knowledge (I am also working on a genetically engineered flying
> pig).
> On the other hand, we could translate this stuff into some fe generically
> homogenized gimple and serialize that. This sounds like fun also.

I would simply really emit the debug info to the accompaning object file
and make sure it gets copied over to the final executable.  Of course
we'd need to associate lto1s decls with the correct dwarf die for the
decls/types.  But reading in the dwarf tree and looking up dies should
be "easily" possible, no? ;)


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