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symbol lookup error: cc1: undefined symbol: mpfr_remquo


I am seeing these kind of failures in a pristine GCC checkout with mpfr-2.3.0

FAIL: gcc.dg/torture/builtin-math-2.c  -O0  (test for excess errors)
Excess errors:
/home/manuel/131656/build/gcc/cc1: symbol lookup error:
/home/manuel/131656/build/gcc/cc1: undefined symbol: mpfr_remquo

FAIL: gcc.dg/torture/builtin-math-4.c  -Os  (test for excess errors)
Excess errors:
/home/manuel/131656/build/gcc/cc1: symbol lookup error:
/home/manuel/131656/build/gcc/cc1: undefined symbol: mpfr_j0

PASS: gcc.dg/torture/builtin-pow-mpfr-1.c  -O0  (test for excess errors)
FAIL: gcc.dg/torture/builtin-pow-mpfr-1.c  -O0  scan-tree-dump original "pow"

Anyone seeing the same or know what might be the reason?



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