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GCC-4.x and 3.x for msp430

 Hello All:

  This is a message already sent to the mspgcc-users mailing list, which
deals with msp430 port of the gnu toolchain for this 8bit microcontrollers
[1]. I now post it here because someone advised me that this was also a
good place to ask for this information.

 I'm concerned about the status of the GCC-4.x status of the msp430 port.
It has been clear to me that is not ready for production use, hence I
understand that 3.x is.

 I'd like to know how much amount of work does the 4.x branch need to get
it usable/production ready. Also what amount of this work is already usable
from the one done in the 3.x branch.

 When I went to the CVS repository[2] to check out the progress of the 3.x
branch I was surprised that the most recent changes have been done to the
3.3 version and that 3.4 version was lagging some important time behind.

 Could anyone explain why 3.3 have been chosen? and wether the changes are
directly applicable to 3.4? 

 Thanks and regards,

RaÃl SÃnchez Siles

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