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Re: undocumented optimization options

On Thu, 1 Nov 2007, Janis Johnson wrote:
>   -fipa-cp               steven
>   -fipa-matrix-reorg     razya
>   -fipa-pure-const       zadeck  (enabled with -O)
>   -fipa-reference        zadeck  (enabled with -O)
>   -fipa-type-escape      zadeck
>   -fvar-tracking-uninit  ctice
> Is there a policy about whether an experimental option can be left
> undocumented, or should it be documented with a statement that it is
> experimental?

I'd prefer the latter.  And for options enabled by default or via one
of the commonly used options (such as -O) I believe we should always
include documentation _or_ we might want to remove those options and
make the associated active unconditionally.

> If an option is left undocumented on purpose then its entry in 
> common.opt should include "Undocumented".

So far we don't seem to use that in common.opt.


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